
Thursday, November 3, 2011

Thursday Pinterest's

I have always enjoyed the Autumn season.
There are so many beautiful warm colors outside.
Sadly, I am a slacker when it comes to bringing those colors into my home.

This year however, I am going to sit my butt hiney rear-end down and actually get some crafting done for my home. I love pumpkins and pretty fall colored leaves.
About a year ago I even bought the letters F-A-L-L in that paper mache stuff (you know, like the boxes). Of course, I haven't done anything with them - yet!

So without further adu, here are some of my Autumn "pins"...

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I actually have all of the supplies for these pumpkins sitting on my kitchen counter!
Just gotta get them made.

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I just wish we had a front porch this big!

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I need an Autumn wreath for the front door.

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Love these, but imagine them in oranges, browns, and creams...

Happy Fall Y'All!!!

1 comment:

Janna said...

I adore those decopauged pumpkins at the beginnings!!! I have "a thing" for anything using sheet music, newspaper, or book pages. ;o) You should check out "love feast plush pumpkins" (google that)--they are these adorable velvet pumpkins that use real pumpkin stems--I love 'em, but they are kind of pricey (but would be easy to copy had you some velvet!).