This week, one very lovely lady began something she calls "The Live Free Project." Sam is a beautiful and inspirational woman and has a very fun and lively personality. Check out her
blog. I liked the idea of her project and wanted to join her on her journey.
Like Sam, I have struggled for most of my adult life with weight fluctuations. Granted, I have gotten the eating-because-I'm-feeling-sorry-for-myself, or eating-because-I'm-bored issue pretty much out of the way. My joining her project is not for the exact same reason as hers, but it is close.
As Sam put it, "..we all have our own individual battles. For some it's anxiety, it's worry, it's negativity, it's insecurity, it's cruelty, it's gossiping, it's OCD, it's obsession, it's hoarding, it's lying, it's the desire to be liked, it's emptiness.
It's anything. It's everything."
I have begun to realize that as much as I don't want to admit it, I lead a relatively sedentary life. I know, I know... How is that possible with two younger children? Well, unfortunately it is possible. When the kids go outside, I don't run around with them, I pull out an "easy chair" and sit in the shade and watch them play and have a grand ole time. Yes, my fitness activity is kind of spuradic, I will be running for a few weeks and then not do anything for a few weeks. I will start walking or lifting and then it tapers off again. In joining Sam on this journey, I am going to get over my battle with being sedentary so that I can be on a consistent regimen of physical activity. No more sitting around while the kids are playing. No more chillin' in the house on a perfectly sunny day. Who cares if it is hot outside!
My hope is that in increasing my physical activity, I will be able to slowly transform my body and lose this pesky 35 pounds that just doesn't seem to want to budge. Maybe I will finally not be such a wimpy mommy too!
Oh, and in case you are wondering how I am going to make this transformation without changing my diet, I'll let you in on a teeny tiny secret... Okay, it's not so teeny tiny... We actually eat very healthy in out home. We very rarely fry anything and I don't bake all that much and we try not to keep "junk food" in our kitchen. We have a
10-year old growning boy little mouse that seems to enjoy sneaking into the pantry or fridge at night and during the day to find something tastey. However, I will eat more "clean" foods instead of processed foods and I will also eat more frequent and much smaller meals during the day (5-6 meals) and drink a heck of a lot more water. Oh, and just so ya know...I WILL NOT give up my daily coffee. You would absolutely HATE to be around me when I don't have my coffee! To put it nicely, I am a ROYAL CRABBY PATTY without my coffee (my husband will agree with a not-so-nice name, and yes, I tend to concur).
Documenting my journey with The Live Free Project will be a bit tough, but I'll start out with these photos. Ugh...I can't believe I am posting these! So embarrassing!
Since my goal is to embrace my body and become less sedintary, hopefully there will be noticeable changes in my body from the beginning through the end. I will also try to post weekly on how my journey is unfolding. I haven't worked out all of the details, but I will have mini-goals along the way.
The very FIRST mini-goal is Get Moving Outside Every Day. It doesn't matter what it is, but for this first week, I need to get up and get moving outside on a daily basis for a minumum of 30 minutes. Maybe it is going for a walk with the kids, working in the garden, chasing Jilli down the sidewalk while she is riding her bike, but whatever it is, I will move 30 minutes a day.
Don't forget to help support
Sam on her journey! Without her inspiration, I don't think I would have ever done this to keep my-self accountable. Especially, showing the world wide web the pictures I have taken and had NEVER planned to share. Now, that is being brave in my book.